Legal notice


This website is the property of John Taylor Corporate S.A., a limited company, registered at the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Registry under number B147150, whose Head Office is located at: 15, Boulevard Roosevelt L-2450 Luxembourg.

Publishing editor

Nicolas ORLOWSKI, Director John Taylor Corporate.


John Taylor Corporate

Personal information

In accordance with the Information Technology and Liberties Law (Law no. 78-17 of January 6 1978), we inform you that the collection of information, whose entry is compulsory, is necessary for us to deal with your request. You have a right to the rectification, modification and deletion of your personal data. You may exercise it:

  • either by writing to John Taylor Corporate S.A. - 15, Boulevard Roosevelt L-2450 Luxembourg
  • or by sending an e-mail to

The information collected is mainly destined for use by John Taylor. It enables us to suggest personalised services to you and to inform you about our products and services.

All the material presented on this website are not contractual. All details, plans, dimensions, surface areas, distances etc. are only given as a guide and their precision is not guaranteed. The photographs show certain selected views of the properties. The details are not exhaustive and are valid in accordance with the “ mandats de ventes ” (agency agreement) signed with John Taylor. The publishers John Taylor accept no responsibility for any views or statements made in the articles and other contributions reproduced from any other source.

Every customer is entitled to free recourse to a consumer mediator with a view to the amicable resolution of a dispute between the customer and a professional. To this end, the professional guarantees the customer effective recourse to a consumer mediation procedure pursuant to articles L611-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code:
Association MEDIMMOCONSO, 1 Allée du Parc de Mesemena, Bât A, CS 25222, 44505 LA BAULE CEDEX.

Commercial prospecting by telephone?
JOHN TAYLOR may contact customers by telephone to propose offers on products or services. If the customer does not wish to be contacted, he/she can register on the telephone marketing opposition list accessible on the website